Logo, Villa la Casita - Bed and Breakfast
Call: (855) 485-1347
Window - Bed and Breakfast

Exciting Local Attractions

Explore Corpus Christi, Texas, and the surrounding areas when you stay at Villa la Casita. We are in close proximity to Ocean Drive, the most scenic drive in Corpus Christi.

Outdoor Activities

Get some fresh air and explore the various outdoor activities in Corpus Christi, Texas, including kayaking, sailing, rollerblading, bicycling, walking, running, and picnicking along the Bayfront. We are a half mile away from one of the top windsurfing destinations, so don’t forget to bring your kite when you stay with us. An outdoor amphitheater and the spacious Cole Park are just across Ocean Drive from the villa.

Local Attractions

Discover our many beaches, marinas, art museums, restaurants, theatres and more. Learn, laugh, and explore our city and surrounding areas by visiting the following attractions:

Corpus Christi

Texas State Aquarium
U.S.S. Lexington
• Captain Clark's Fishing Charter
• Asian Cultures Museum
• Museum of Science & History
The Art Museum
Harbor Playhouse
• Corpus Christi Sailing Center
• Fishing Report


Port Aransas

Texas Maritime Museum
• Rockport Center for the Arts
• Goose Island State Park
• Island Sailing Charters
• Rockport Kayak Outfitters
• Play'n'Hooky
• Fulton Mansion
• The Big Oak

Dolphin Docks
• Pat Magee's Surf Shop



• King Ranch


Contact us in Corpus Christi, Texas, and enjoy being only half a mile away from top kiteboarding destinations.